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Ultrasonic Cavitation


Melt away inches and cellulite within minutes! 

What is Ultrasound Cavitation Liposuction?
Ultrasound Liposuction (ultrasonic cavitation) is a new, revolutionary fat removal technology that does NOT involve surgery – there is no need for anesthetics, no hospital stay or time off work.  Our staff will make this treatment comfortable and painless.

We utilize a unique cavitation technology that allows for non-invasive removal of stubborn fat deposits that never seems to disappear no matter of your diet or how hard you work out. The most problematic body areas are: abdomen, flanks (“love handles”), thighs (“saddle bags”), buttocks, inner knees, upper arm, male breasts. Your body can be now contoured with no anesthesia, no scars, and no down-time.


Benefits of an Ultrasound Cavitation Liposuction Treatment 

– Improve blood circulation & lymph circulation
– Improve skin texture
– Body tighten, excellent performance of Body shaping
– No surgery / no pain
– No anesthesia.
– Remove fat cells permanently
– Cellulite Therapy
– Connective tissue tightening
– More effective if combines with Fractional Laser, Radio Frequency, IPL and Related Treatments


What is Ultrasonic Cavitation?

 Cavitation is a natural phenomenon based on low frequency ultrasound. The ultrasound field creates bubbles in the liquid that surround the fat cells, which gradually grow, and implode. As the membranes of fat cells do not have the structural capacity to withstand the vibrations, the effect of cavitation easily breaks them, while sparing the vascular, nervous and muscular tissue.


What happens to the released fat? 

After disruption and emulsification of the fat cells, liquid which makes up the fat cells, in the form of triglycerides, is released into the interstitial fluid between the cells. This fluid is then metabolized to glycerol and free fatty acids. Water soluble glycerol is absorbed by the circulatory system and used as the energy source, whereas the insoluble free fatty acids are transported to the liver and processed as fatty acids from food. The fat is a solid substance, how can it be eliminated through the urine? Because ultrasonic cavitation causes an emulsification of the fat, releasing the triglyceride fluid which is easy to eliminate through the urine and the lymphatic system.


Is Ultrasonic Cavitation a safe treatment? 

Yes, the therapist will complete a medical questionnaire with you to make sure it is safe for you to undergo this kind of treatment. It is a nonsurgical procedure without anesthesia, it is non-invasive (no cutting, leaves no scars or need post-operative course) and it allows for a full social life both before and after the sessions. But remember always to carefully choose the center where you undergo it that they are properly trained and pre-screen you for best results.


How long has Ultrasonic Cavitation been around? 

Cavitation in aesthetics was introduced for the first time in Milan in 2005. However, the phenomenon called cavitation has been around since the 60s.


Is Ultrasonic Cavitation painful?

No, cavitation is a painless treatment. Mild redness may appear occasionally but does not cause pain. The heat caused by the equipment is perfectly tolerable.


How many sessions are usually needed? 

Between 6 and 12 sessions.


What are the contraindications of Ultrasonic Cavitation? 

We do not recommend treating people with the following conditions: • Contagious or infectious diseases and skin diseases Liver disease • Kidney disease • Heart problems (including pacemakers) • Pregnancy and/or lactating • Undergone a transplant • Cancer. Unless in remission for over 6 yrs. • Contagious or infectious diseases or skin dieases • Metal implants or electrical devices eg. metal hip joints, pacemakers, plates, pins, staples. • Metal IUD’s (Intrauterine devices) Unless confirmed to be plastic such as the later models of the Mirena. Your trained therapist can consult with your specific case and the full list of contraindications.


What is the treatment like? 

The cavitation treatment does not require any special pre-treatment, but we do highly recommend a pre-screening evaluation along with pre, during and post recommendations to enhance the results. Treatment starts with circumference measurement of the target body area and continues with circular movements of the applicator over the treatment site. The duration of treatment session normally takes around 20 – 40 minutes, depending on the size of the area and the thickness of the fat layer. Results are immediate and permanent and typically you will need between 6-12 sessions depending on the amount of inches and contouring needed.




Radio Frequency


Radio frequency skin tightening (RF) is an aesthetic technique that uses RF energy to heat tissue and stimulate sub dermal collagen production in order to reduce the appearance of fine lines and loose skin. The technique induces tissue remodeling and production of new collagen and elastin.[3] The process provides an alternative to facelift and other cosmetic surgeries. RF treatment also causes apoptosis of fat cells, which leads to fat layer reduction in the treated area.


By manipulating skin cooling during treatment, RF can also be used for heating and reduction of fat. Currently, the most common uses of RF-based devices are to non-invasively manage and treat skin tightening of lax skin (including sagging jowls, abdomen, thighs, and arms), as well as wrinkle reduction, cellulite improvement, and body contouring.





Wood Therapy


The wood massages treats area(s) with pressure to breakdown stubborn fat cells and cellulite which is eliminated naturally through your body. Wood Therapy is a natural yet effective treatment that uses wooden instruments to mold, redefine body contours, reduce cellulite and promote weight loss while improving the body’s size and proportions It can take several sessions to obtain results. Reduction in cellulite and shrunken fat on targeted areas.

Discomfort, might bruise because of the pressure applied. (Varies per individual).

No downtime needed. Slight bruising. At least 6 to 10 sessions are recommended once or twice a week. Drinking plenty of water and keeping a healthy diet can help get more results. Exercise everyday for at least 25-30 minutes for best results.



Vacuum Therapy for Non Invasive Butt Lift and Breast Augmentation


Vacuum therapy is a treatment that is carried out with suction cups that are connected to a special machine that produces suction tissue. The glasses are manipulated by our therapeutic licensed massage therapist and are handled in a special way to achieve desired effects such as removal of cellulite, removal of facial lines, and elimination of fibrosis.


The vacuum therapy is indicated for the following cases:
   – Localized treatment obesity
    -Cellulite treatment
    -Treatment of fibrosis after lipo
    -Buttock Lift
    -Breast lift
    -Body shaping.


The Buttock lift without surgery is a new and exclusive technique of evolution MD, this procedure is noninvasive, no fat injection is needed, and this is not the Brazilian butt lift. Buttock lift without the surgery is done by combining two procedures:

 Vacuum therapy: To lift the buttocks with the suctioning of the glass that will be placed on the buttocks cheeks


Enlarges and firms the buttocks and breasts without surgery.
It increases flexibility of the skin.

Improves venous and lymphatic flow.
Exfoliate the epidermis for smoother skin.
It stimulates the dermis and hypodermis.
Decreases muscle tension.

Stimulates muscles, breaks down cellulite and fatty deposits, eliminates toxins, improves lymphatic drainage and takes inches off. Vacuum therapy also helps restore the skin’s decreases in muscle tension.





ICE Facial Sculpting


ICE Facial

Promotes cell regeneration giving the skin elasticity and firmness. The active ingredients of green tea and other herbs rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants provide a rejuvenating effect, reducing wrinkles, and a natural “face-lift”.


ICE facials activate your natural thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is the natural body fat and calorie burning process. When the body is exposed to extreme cold temperatures, it reacts by activating heat in the areas of exposure, and the heat allows the body to break down fat cells  then activates the lymphatic system to drain the broken fat cells off the body.


Facials also offer great skin benefits: lifts and tones your skin, avoids concurrent acne breakouts, contours your face, rejuvenates your skin and detoxes impurities.




Disclaimer: Results may vary from person to person



Radio Frequency
Wood Therapy
Vacuum Therapy
Ultrasonic Cavitation
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